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  • I am not collecting any information from you guys apart from the e-book sign-up or subscription sign-up, which is used for sending you an email whenever a new blog post is published.

  • I do not share this with anyone and I never will.

  • Your email address is in the safe hands of Mailchimp and if you want to unsubscribe, you get an unsubscribe link in each email.




In some pages and blog posts, I have included affiliate links to various online services. This means I'll collect a small percentage of the sale as commission. These small commissions help to run this site and they do not come as an extra cost to you. Whatever I recommend with an affiliate link is something I already use myself or would definitely recommend to any friend of mine.




Akumu Fiona/Curious.Discovery Blog is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to


To translate this jargon, I'll use plain English:


So currently, I'm an affiliate with Amazon, so you may see some of the advertisements on the site and some of the links in my articles or on the Resources page are affiliate links, meaning that I'll collect a small percentage of the sale as commission.


The reason that these are in place is because the small commissions add up and help support the costs of running this site.


These commissions will never come at a cost to you and I vow that whether a particular product offers a commission or not, this will never influence my recommendations. I know that trust takes a lifetime to build but only seconds to lose, so you can rest assured that I only link to products which I have used personally and would certainly recommend. I only recommend products that have helped me in my journey as an artist, blogger, digital nomad and eventually, an author.



That said, I'd like to thank you for being here.


Big love,




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